Saturday, May 1, 2010

How To Think Right

"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” Proverbs 23:7

There are two ways of thinking: Thinking with your head

Thinking with your heart.

We are all natural head thinkers. Our minds do our thinking for us. Occasionally, something deep down may tell us something different from our minds. It is as if our mind says go right and something else says stay where you are. That something else is our heart, our spirit man. The ability to think with the heart is far superior to thinking with the mind. Thinking with the mind is limited to past experiences, current realities and future expectations. It is limited to the visible realm and therefore subject to the control of the spiritual realm. Those who walk with God must learn to think with their hearts (spirits) because God is Spirit. God does not communicate with our mind but with our spirit. We all think with our hearts but we often do not recognize it. The Lord Jesus in Matthew 9:4 said, “Wherefore think all of you evil in your hearts”.

A born-again Christian should live out of his heart, not his head. We are admonished to “keep our heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. (Prov 4:23). We come to know the Lord with our heart. You believe with your heart, not your head. It is when we believe the Lord Jesus in our hearts that we become new creation. (Rom 10:9-10). We should live the rest of our lives out of our hearts, not our minds. Faith comes out of the heart, not our minds. As we learn to live out of our hearts, we are in a better position to please God.

One of the most powerful things to note about thinking is that God responds to “heart-thinking”. The Bible says He is “able to do exceedingly above all that we ask or think”. Eph 3:20. God responds to our thoughts just as He responds to our prayers. But those thoughts are thoughts from the heart, not just some fleeting thoughts. In Matthew 9:21, the woman with the issue of blood said within herself , “If I can touch the hem of His garment, I shall be made whole”. The phrase, “said within herself” is the same as thinking with the heart. You may not outer any word, but if you think out of your heart, you are thinking by faith and God honors it.

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